Selasa, 20 April 2010

Tuesday's terrific randomness!

Links to latch onto today:
Hop on over to Jen's blog, TatertotsandJello! She's hosting a giveaway that is PERFECT for Mother's Day, especially if you want to pick out your own gift!!!  Lovely designs from a gorgeous jewelry designer, Crimson Clover !!  Check out her Etsy shop by clicking on Crimson Clover AND Jen's fabulous blog by clicking on TatertotsandJello!

Lots of odds and ends to catch up on today........last week, I was honored with receiving TWO awards!  Goodness gracious, I don't deserve two awards...but these gals are just so sweet to think of me.  One is from Tanya over at word-ADORABLE, she is!  She gave me the Sunshine nice is that?
I'm supposed to pass on the award to twelve bloggers, and I am glad to do that....but I will have to do it list of to-dos to turn into ta-das is really calling me, and I need to get off this computer! KWIM?????
The second blogger to give me an award is equally as delightful, and she gave me this award!  Y'all are just too good to me!  Jessica from the Improbable Housewife, gave me this.  She is a new blog friend, and so cute and witty....go check her out.  Again, I am supposed to tell five things about myself and pass it on to five other bloggers...but I gotta go y'all, so I'll be back to finish this up .....have a terrific Tuesday!!  and thanks so much for reading, commenting, and passing on the go on over to JenJen's and enter that giveaway!

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