Senin, 19 April 2010

Monday's marvelous & masterful moments!

Ooooh great giveaway going on over at kitchenbelleicious!!!!  Oooh some real goodies and great ideas for menus... what a nice blog!  You will definitely want to check this out!

We went to see my son over the weekend in College Station, and the wildflowers along the way were just spectacular!  If you've never heard of the wildflowers in TEXAS or seen them, you should REALLY plan a trip to Southeast Texas in April to see the wildflowers.  Fields were literally carpeted with them....fields of bluebonnets, fields filled with yellow and orange and hot pink! Oh  WHAT gorgeousness!
We so enjoyed being with my son and his girlfriend, and being back in our old church! It was so fun!

Oh, and last week my prize from JAM came....a container of Perricone's Cold Plasma Cream......y'all this cream is very expensive, so I am honored to be able to try it out!  I will let you know in a few weeks how many years this has added to my skin!!  It sure goes on silkily and smoothly! Thanks so much JAM!!!   She really is such a dear!

And I was given two awards last week, that are so nice, and I will blog about later this week.  These girls are so sweet and thoughtful, I want a post all it's own to thank them!
So what's up with your week?  Got any GOALS you SMARTLY came up with last week?  I have a few in the works, so let's encourage one another!!  Can't you just hear the "ROCKY" soundtrack in the background playing as you tackle these new goals!!???? LOL......have a great Monday!

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