Kamis, 29 April 2010

Friday Fives!!!!

Summertime Memories Collage Images

How do Fridays come around so fast?  Not that having the weekend here isn't good, but it just seems like times speeds by like a flash in the pan!!!
Some random thoughts before getting on to the Friday Fives.....
I am wondering if I am getting fewer comments because:
a. I have fewer readers OR
b. because everyone is just really busy these days like me, and can hardly read all my favorite blogs, much less comment on many of them, OR
c. I have been offensive in some way and have driven readers away....these things are on my mind.  If you only have time to comment the LETTER that is the right answer, would you do that for me?  I am just wondering if my readers don't like what I am posting about.  I realize that content has been a little lacking lately.  I am meeting myself coming and going, and still trying to run my household, and not a whole lot of blogging has been done.  We all probably have a lot more going on than we did on cold, wintery days when it was nice to snuggle in and read blogs for a few hours!!!  Oh, well, that's what I've been thinking.

Secondly, I've been wondering how YOU get it all done...what does your day look like?  Do you do laundry on certain days of the week?  What about cleaning floors.....my LEAST favorite job.....?  How do you get all that you want/need to get done, well, DONE?

And lastly, have you ever made Cake Balls?  My daughter and I made a bunch (they are in the freezer waiting to be dipped in chocolate!) the other night and it was really pretty easy.  I'm thinking the dipping may be the time consuming thing!!  She is hosting a party for a friend here on Saturday, and I am going to a party so we are both going to be taking some to our respective events.  I'll try to remember to post a picture next week.

So on to our fun FRIDAY Fives!!
1. Do you like wearing flip flops?

2. What is your favorite beach?

3. What is your favorite summer memory from your younger years?

4. What fun plans do you have for this summer?

5. What cool drink do you enjoy in the summer ?

Have fun, kids!!  :D

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