Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

What is this blog all about anyway, dot, dot, dot?

Well,  yesterday, I reached 200 friends/followers.  I like to think of you as friends, because frankly, I am not a leader to follow.   I have always been a follower, whether it be because of the insecurity to just step out and lead, or because sometimes I can be a titch lazy, and would rather have someone else lead the way....until I decide I don't want to follow.  As my husband often reminds me, I can be a little on the stubborn side, a little too independent for my britches.......thanks, honey.  So does that make me a rebel, if I follow when I want and take my own path when I want?  Makes my brain hurt to be too analytical...and my husband the engineer, does it so well!  Maybe I should ask him to analyze and figure it out, but I suspect he already has.
Today is a whole bunch of RANDOM.....

Anyway, like I said, I reached 200 friends....golly gee, thanks!  I never thought blogging would lead to so many great friendships with people I've never met.......oh, but isn't it just so fun!  I never thought that many people would want to READ what I blog about...which leads me to the question in the title...what IS THIS BLOG all about?  I'm not sure I have a niche for my blog.  I write about recipes, about homemaking....I love crafts, but rarely do I find time for them, do them or even post about them.  I DO, however find myself using a lot of know the dot, dot, dot.  Oh, and I use GOOGLE a whole lot for looking up things like "what do you call the dot, dot, dot?"!!! and for images that just might coincide with what I am blogging about for the day. 
But a niche.......a signature, a defining, overarching purpose for this blog?  I am afraid I don't know....maybe you should tell me.  What do you think this blog is really all about?  (brings to mind the song, Alfie...what's it all about, Alfie????)
I do indeed love encouraging others toward getting things done ,like not living in fear,  like being the best you can be, like being a true friend or encourager or being there when someone hurts.  But does that give me a purpose?  I enjoy spurring others onto having the right priorities or perspective, but does that make me a motivational blogger???? 
So whether or not it's really important to figure out what kind of blogger I am, I have been putting some time into thinking about it, and any direction this little blog o'mine will what would you like to see more of at Southern Inspiration?  What could I do that would make you leave feeling like your visit here was inspiring........give me some of YOUR random thoughts, dot, dot!

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