Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Celebrate!, a magazine review

Celebrate  by Hoffman Publications, a publication I've talked about before, is always a welcome find in my mailbox!  It is chockful of eye-candy for the person who loves to look at table-settings, recipes and all the accoutrements for celebrations!!!
I just opened my mailbox today and found my Celebrate Spring issue.....and what fun I had looking through it as it threatened to SNOW here in Texas.......we didn't get snow here where I live, but many places north of us did.  What a refreshment to look at these gorgeous spring pictures of various ideas for celebrating Spring!

I'll just share a sampler of what is included inside.  There are seasonal recipes and I thought this one looked perfect for a spring luncheon or tea....Strawberry chutney over Peppered Goat Cheese Spread....YUM.  Want me to share the recipe???  Then are strawberry muffins and strawberry pie.
These are some of the  holiday options they give for celebrating.....April Fool's Day, Easter, Cinco de Mayo, and Mother's Day.  They missed my birthday, but I won't hold them to it....I'll just email them ! :D
There is an idea for putting Chocolate Mousse in dyed Easter egg halves.  They also suggest some special occasions for celebrations, such as a Princess Party, a Domino Party, a Graduation celebration, a wedding on St. Simon's Island  and a baby shower.....CUTE ideas!
Toward the back of the book they give you helpful information to plan for your party......Centerpiece ideas, Table settings,graphics for invitations and a shower game, and even a color pallette to coordinate your party ideas. There is also a helpful party planner in the back of the magazine.
If you've not seen this publication, you can go to Hoffman Media and check out all their publications...they've got some fabulous ones!  It's a fun day to get a mailbox full of eye-candy!!!  Check it out!

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