Senin, 08 Februari 2010

The domino effect......

What do YOU do about the domino effect?  
Here's what I'm talking about.  The big BUT.  How often do you get stuck in a project because the but is in the way?  You know what I's an example:
I want to replace the couch, but
I really need to first  pick out fabric for the new window treatments to match, BUT
I really need to decide what to do with the wall color, but
then the flooring is an issue, too, but
we don't really have the money for new flooring.

I want to replace the couch, but
I don't want to do it as long as Lucie is a puppy because she seems to chew on things, but
it looks bad, and I really want to replace it but
then I know the chairs might not match and I'll want to at least re-cover those, too.

Or here's another example:
I really want to re-do my master bedroom, but
I need to choose a new color paint.  I need to repaint it but,
there is some sheet rock repair that needs to be done, but
I cannot do that myself.
So, I really want to re-do it, but I feel stuck, and I also want the
master bathroom re-done, but it's got all that old wallpaper that needs to come down, and I can't do that until I decide what I'm going to do with the rest of it........

You've been there right?  You've been stymied by the BUT before, haven't you?
Then there's the other kind of domino effect, where you actually DO get the DIY project started, and the DIY project takes on a life of it's own, because you realize when you get that room painted, the floors sure could use cleaning, and the upholstery spiffed up if not replaced...and on and on.

How do YOU conquer the "buts"?  What gets you past the roadblock that keeps you in a  procrastinating mode, that keeps you from moving on?  What do you do to "get the job done?"  Flow charts, pie graphs?  (oh, see the engineering in the mister is rubbing off on me.......AAACCKKKK......)

Lest you think I sound discontent, or ungrateful.....I really am not.  I like my house, and can live with it the way it is, just fine.  I do crave to channel my creativity and love for decorating into my own house, rather than simply helping others!  I do want it to be pretty!  Yet, I also look at the reality of the fact that this time next year, we will have TWO kids in college, and facing graduate school for both of them, as well.....
WHOA , Nelly, that will stop a DIY-er in their tracks, right?  Although, one could argue, that being a DIYer makes it much more of a possibility because you couldn't afford to have someone in to do the work for you !!!!!!  So I feel just a little caught in the loop.  I can afford to make some changes, and really need to decide how to make those happen without having to take on more than I can afford right now.  So here I've rambled on and on about my dilemna.....and it's really not one.  I know others face TRUE dilemnas today that seem insurmountable....
I'm just thinking out loud here and wondering what YOU do to quell the arguments in your head!  You DO argue with yourself, right?  I'm not alone in that, am I????  What do you do to make things happen, and get over the buts?  Yes, the BUT, it gets us everytime........
And I"m not EVEN talking about the butt, that's a whole 'nother post to conquer!!!! I think I need Jillian's help with that one!!!!

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