My friend Renee--she's GROOVY! Her challenge for the day is to clean out the music stash.......feeling groovy yet?? I guess if a song has the word groovy in it, it likely goes into the archives as a BEST of the 70's, 80's????? Anyway, in case you haven't been going over to Add More Chocolate to see where I've been getting these inspiring, small, but ever so helpful suggestions for organizing ourselves right into 2010.....well, you should really go check out her blog. She's a personal friend, and somehow I know you'll love her, too! Thanks, Renee!
New Year, New Start: Day 9
Is your music collection no longer in tune? Has your “groove thang” stopped shaking? Are you waiting for 8-track tapes to come back? Somewhere on that shelf or in that cabinet is a free CD that some promo sent your way, or that you picked up for 1.99 and listened to once. Just one. There is just one CD or tape that you can say goodbye too. It’s a start.
I know I have a few I could get rid of.....if I wasn't so darned sentimental.......perhaps just recording them to the computer would be a way to rid my cabinet of some stuff....and you know they all contain only one or two songs that are the actual favs......hello, Itunes!
Hope you have a great weekend.....our thaw begins tomorrow I think, and these frigid temps begin to ease up....then we'll be looking at helping all the brown landscaped problem spots in our yards.....ugh.
My tip for you today.........for this 9th day of January 2010....list nine things you are thankful for.
I'll start:
1.a warm, comfy home
2.good friends who I can laugh with for a warm day!
5. great kids/husband/family
6. great blog friends like you!
7. My salvation
8. a car that works well
9. my husband's job
May you have a blessed and prosperous New Year, and gain perspective that changes your heart to make you a better person. That's my goal is to make myself a little better each day.
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