Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Renewing the accessories....

I spent the morning moving accessories around....and I'm not finished yet. In fact, I had to stop to go out in the very cold temps to go get my hair done......it was overdue, so this girl had to stop everything and get to the hairdresser! It would be fun to say I plodded thru the blizzard, but although dropping temperatures are blowing in, no snow this time, at least not yet.

When I finish my renewing the accessories I'll post a pic, as well as pics of my dishes pantry. {If I had a butler, I suppose I could call it a butler's pantry.....but I don't so I am trying to get over that and just call it the dish pantry!} I need to lay new contact paper on the shelves, which requires taking things out, since I had to remove all that foam, grid-like shelf cover I had in there before. Now I NEED things to slide, so out with that.....hopefully I'll get the paper in, pics done, and do a blog post about it next week. I've even inspired my friend to try the same thing.......we'll see how she likes it!

So what's Renee's challenge today? Have you been over to Add More Chocolate already to see? She is encouraging us to look at the jewelry box, drawer, or whatever you have your jewelry stored in, and then discard what you no longer wear. She suggests getting the advice of a teen if you lack discernment on what to throw out. I also need to clean some of my jewelry. I LOVE to wear silver, but some of it is looking a little tarnished, so cleaning it would be a good way to organize and weed out, don't you think? So what about you? How do you have your jewelry stored and organized? I am looking for some clever ideas.......do share! If you'll remember last year, I used the SLaHOME Estate Towel Holder to hang my necklaces on on top of my dresser. You can see that post here. I need to clean out that and wipe them off to spif them up a little!
So go on over to Renee's and check out her challenge.....Add More Chocolate or read it here:

New Year, New Start: Day 7

clip_image002Baubles, bangles, and …beadless, backless, and broken. Take a jaunt through your jewelry box and throw something away! If you need help deciding what is no longer in style, find a teenager. Trust me, if it makes them roll their eyes – out it goes!

Also, I have to tell you a funny story.....after all the organizing of my pantry, I decided I had three bottles of mustard too many (?????) and a few other extras that I didn't need, which turned into a facebook discussion, then a swap party! We took all our extra stuff from the pantry over to Renee's and had a little swap party! She whipped us up some coffee beverages, we had cookies and fellowship, and cleaned out the pantry. It was interesting to see what everyone brought, and to bring home a few things that I thought my family would use. Then all the extra stuff, we plan to donate to the food pantry! It was indeed a fun time. Thanks, Renee!

What's in your pantry you don't need? Take out a few things you know you won't use that are not expired and donate them to the food pantry. It's a great time of year to do that, and you'll have more room in the pantry!

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