My friend Diana, of To Everything a Season has a great idea. She is interested in finding all of our Texas bloggers and making a little Texas network. Wouldn't it be fun to know how many Texans we have in blogland and be able to link up with our Texas blogger friends? I actually thought of doing this before the holidays, but it kept getting bumped for other blog post ideas. So when I saw her post about trying to find all the Texas bloggers, I just thought I'd join forces with here....so calling all Texas bloggers. Would you be willing to go visit Diana, and leave her a comment or shoot her an email so she can compile a list? That would be great!
And for our New Year's Challenge from my friend, Renee at Add More Chocolate:
whispered as an aside to her post---(in which I'd like to add.......HOW DOES SHE KNOW MY WEAKNESSES????) Are we truly all doing the same things and neglecting sock drawers and magazine stashes or does she REALLY see with x-ray vision into my house?????!!!! :0 LOL
New Year, New Start: Day 4
Somewhere there is a stack of magazines that you are meaning to read “someday.” Guess what? Life goes on and whatever benefit would have been gained by that bit of information buried in those pages, has since been lost by the negative impact of walking by that stack and feeling guilty. Pick one issue and toss it.
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