Someone has to hold me accountable here......I've just been on the computer much too much lately, and I need to do some rockin and rollin in the Southern Inspiration castle today! So I thought, what else would motivate me more than having to be accountable to y'all.......soooooo
I make a list, I document a few chores done, and get a few things accomplished and VOILA........I am productive, rather than watching everyone else be productive from my comfy chair and laptop......I say, let's get moving.
I'm going to make a list of simple chores I want to have done by the end of the day, and then I am going to come back and let you know what I got accomplished......um, kind of like a contract. And then I am going to revel in the accolades lavished upon me......well, unless they come from you, they won't be coming.....Lucie and Aggie (the dogs) aren't going to be barking any "best job ever!" or "hey mamma, that's terrific!" comments for me! And daughter is just so darned busy, and really could care less about neatness, order and cleanliness.....hubby is out of the office and truthfully, blogettes, it's just you and me. So what do you say, let's get shaking and moving and get her done.
Feel free to follow along and join in....I'd LOVE to know what you got accomplished, too, and give you a couple of virtual high-fives.......so with a mental drum roll, here goes:
1. take 10 minutes and pick up stray items in the foyer, living room and main living area.
2. clean kitchen and read instructions on the sealant I need to put on the granite countertop
3. nail appt. at 10:00 (this is important, really!)
4. Drop by the new Kroger Marketplace to blog about....new concept.....groceries and home goods all under one roof....as hubby said, it's the opposite of what Super Walmart and SuperTarget did. Got groceries, add homegoods, rather than the reverse...I'll try to blog about this!
5. Finish dining room centerpiece
6. Check a/c filters because it is Oct. 15 and we are STILL running the a/c!! Check weather report and make sure the temps are REALLY going to improve like Frank says!
7. Dust
8. Finish front porch decor
9. Oh, forgot I need to run by the bank while I'm out.
10. Plan what I am going to bake because it is supposed to get cooler tomorrow....if it doesn't I'm calling Frank!! ;)
That's my plan, and I'll check back with you this afternoon on my progress.....with some pics and documentation!! thanks, blogettes! love y'all..... Oh, and some high fives to get us going.....wish me luck!!

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