Rabu, 03 Juni 2009
Really random thoughts shared on the porch swing
Hey friend, I am so glad you came by to sit a minute on the porch swing with me....let me offer you a glass of lemonade, iced tea, or cup of coffee. I was reading Real Simple magazine, and I found a few things I wanted to share with you....you know, kinda like sitting on the beach, sipping a cold sparkly drink, maybe with an umbrella in it, and reading a magazine........you're reading yours and every so often, I read something aloud to you from mine that catches my attention. Nothing earth shattering, just amusing or worth considering. So join me as I share with you the few nuggets of info I found this morning in the Real Simple June issue.
Oh, I love this quote found as you open up the first few pages:
Be pretty if you can, be witty if you must, but be gracious if it kills you. -attributed to Elsie de Wolfe
Oh, and this is cute.....words on fathers (oh, when is Father's Day? I need to get those gifts!! What are your ideas??)
Written by Mark Twain, "When I was a boy of 14 my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." On June 21, remind your dad that he's the smartest guy you know!
Wow, look at this!
31 feet, 6 inches...the height of the tallest sand castle, created at the Point Sebago Resort, in Casco, Maine, in 2007. (that's over 10 yards tall!! Wowsers!)
Oh, and look on pg. 4, they are saying that one cost effective way to spruce up your home is to hit the thrift stores!!! Hmmm, we knew that already, didn't we?????
Oh, and wanna know 10 goofproof plants to use on the patio? According to the folks at Real Simple, here's the list!
1.Verbena-a new flowering hybrid resists fungus!
2. New Guinea impatiens-can handle some sun and is self cleaning! (I certainly don't need another thing to clean!)
3. Geranium-(one of MY favs)mainstay of window boxes everywhere.
4.Euphorbia-deer will steer clear of it!
5.Purple fountain grass-'Rebrum' can withstand just about anything including high humidity and wind....pest and disease free too!
6. Coleus-this two-toned stunner is easy to grow and thrives in summer! (I could take notes from Coleus on this, couldn't you?)
7. Calibrachoa-(superbells, with a name like that, I'm in!) also self cleaning and resistant to disease
8. Sweet potato vine-this ornamental grows extremely quickly and trails beatifully over pots.
9.Begonia-you'll find varities for both sun and shade.
10. Lantana-deters deer, and hot days stimulate it to produce more blossoms, which attract butterflies and hummingbirds!
Oh, let's go do some gardening!
Hey and look, here's a page dedicated to what to say on written notes.....struggling with what to say on the card? My husband needs this! He spends FOREVER on signing a card!
Anyway, a few of the offerings I'll share with you:
for Father's Day, you might say, "Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is the soap on a rope." Bill Cosby
A fav. quote here: "Your father, Jo. He never loses patience--never doubts or complains--but always hopes and works and waits so cheerfully that one is ashamed to do otherwise before him"--Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
then on Graduations:
"there is nothing like a dream to create the future." Victor Hugo, Les Miserable
"We want men who will fix their eyes on the stars, but who will not forget that their feet must walk on the ground." Theodore Roosevelt, Selections from Roosevelt
"There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage." Martin Luther, Table Talk
"There is no remedy for love, but to love more." Henry David Thoreau
Thank yous:
"I can no other answer make but thanks
And thanks." William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
"People who give will never be poor." The Diary of Anne Frank
And I'll stop rambling for now....let's go take a walk thru the yard and see a few of the flowers blooming.....I'll post those pics for you tomorrow. Sorry for the delay in posting until today.....I had no blogging mojo....I said "self, you got nothing" when I tried to think of a blog topic....so this is what you got....thanks so much for stopping by and sharing a cold drink and a little visit. Do come back now, you hear?
Oh, and you'll want to remember to get your FREE root beer float tonight at Sonic between 8 p.m and midnight!
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