Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

Life Isn't Fair, but it's still good.......

We all enjoyed the list from 90 year old Regina Brett, posted yesterday, here. I thought I'd take a few of her thoughts and expound on them since many were so meaningful to me as well.

Number one was "Life isn't fair, but it's still good." We often wonder why the innocent suffer, why the trials come for seemingly no reason, why the bad guys win out, why the not so good guys prosper. In the Psalms, so many times we see the psalmist crying out that the wicked seem to prosper. At least it is encouraging that this is an age old issue, not one we will likely figure out in our lifetime, not one that should REALLY change the way we live our own lives. What God requires of US is to live justly, love mercy and to walk humbly before Him. (Micah 6:8) That, my friends, is a full time job in itself, is it not?

We really so often do NOT get what we deserve, because of His mercy and grace. We so often DO NOT have to suffer because of His restraining hand. (So often we do not even KNOW He is exercising His restraining hand to protect us!) With all of that said, the truth is we MUST trust Him to continue granting protection, grace and mercy. Who wants to live without it??? Not me!
We do not go hungry, we do not suffer persecution, we do not go unloved. However, this is not to discount that many are called to suffering. It IS disappointing, as a friend and I discussed last week. It is disappointing that we will always have to struggle this side of heaven with bodily imperfections, deficiencies, infirmities, etc. It is disappointing that our bodies may never be what we want/expect them to be. I must learn that my body is given to me by God, and I must learn to accept it the way it is. (I will probably NEVER wear skinny jeans, or some styles.)

I am called to take good care of my body, but HE loves me just the way I am. Our world would have us believe that we must "be" a certain way to be accepted.....but this is not the truth, is it? If we struggle with medical/physical or emotional issues, we do have the benefit of good medicine and doctors from which to get help. And mostly we have our Heavenly Father to pray to when we need relief. This is ,in no way, written to discount the hardships people on this earth have to endure, and we are called to bear one another's burdens, so I will gladly pray for you and your burdens.....just let me know how to pray. We are called to lift one another up, to encourage one another, and the blog world has made that so much more evident to me.

So life is pretty good. Oh, we all have our bad days , don't we? But all in all, the sun continues to shine, God blesses us, and we bless one another. I know how blessed I am to have so many new bloggy friends....if you are reading this, I am talking about YOU! Have a blessed day, my friends and share a smile today with someone who may need it, a hug with someone who could use it, and a kind word to a friend who means a lot to you. No, life isn't fair, but it's still good.

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