Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

Would you consider helping???

A dear friend out in blogland has the pleasure of a precious little grandbaby.  Congrats, Kathy!  However, coupled with this immeasurable joy is also immeasureable grief in the loss of her amazing daughter-in-law
(at birth) and the mom of sweet little Amelia.  In trusting that God will provide all that this family needs, I would like to pass on to any blog readers I have, a way to partner with the efforts to provide for this tiny little angel.  If you'd like to read the story, go on over to the blog that was started to tell the story.  A memorial fund has been set up and details are there for all of us to make whatever contribution possible.  I can only imagine how difficult this must be, so coupled with my prayers for this dear family, I chose to donate to the memorial fund, and wanted to give you the opportunity to do so as well.  If you are unable to give, please at least pray for this child and her precious family.  Thanks, friends!

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