Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Friday fives!!

1. What is your favorite restaurant?

2. What would you do with $350?

3. What is your favorite kind of soup or stew?

4. What is your favorite movie or television show?

5.  What is your favorite type of music?

Thanks for playing along!! I am typing much better, so I hope to be blogging more in the future....hope I haven't lost all of you in the meantime....
AND.....guess what....I hit my 500th post this week!! How exciting is that?  I never thought I'd be consistent enough with blogging to meet that accomplishment!  I have to admit in the last two months, it's been touch and go, and I've missed more than I've blogged...but life has happened.
Anyway, to celebrate, I'll be doing something special, probably a giveaway sometime soon.....come back and visit!! I hope to make that happen in next week's blog posts or the very near future!
Take care and Happy Friday!

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