Rabu, 01 September 2010

Things happen, right????

Ok, so I was motivated to get started on Monday...even BEFORE the month of September flipped over on the calendar...did anyone notice that August is gone like a flash in the pan???  All motivated me, and ready to (ahem) tackle my to-do list and make it a TA-DA list, and I got slammed.  Yep, when they tell you to take some medications WITH food, they mean it.  At least that's the way it seemed to sum things up.  I was lamblasted by some dizziness and nausea, and well, I'll stop there for much of the day on Monday.....all over a little pill.  Not pretty, nor did I get a thing done.  By Tuesday, I was better, but felt like a dishrag, so got only a few things done.  Here it is on Wednesday and I have two appts. that I have to keep, and an activity to do tonight that will be lots of fun....but the real truth is, not much will get done around my house today.  Yes, the plans have already gotten sidetracked by life.  And this happens, doesn't it?  The dog throws up, the kids need some cookies for school tomorrow, or a poster/project completed in less than 24 hours....and the husband decides he must have  his socks darned (well, who really does that anymore?), his shirt ironed and they all want to EAT!  Geez.......things happen to sidetrack us!  But the Super Moms/wives that we are, we seem to get enough done to get by...and the TO DO list that got crumpled up under the mail still sits there. Are you feeling the same familiar feeling I am here?  Well, I am here to encourage you...that list isn't leaving.  Unless you wrote it with invisible ink, it's still there...so get back up on that ladder and let's GET IT DONE!  For me, tomorrow is another day, and I WILL get those rooms cleaned upstairs!  Yes, it means planning to spend LESS time on the computer (ahem) and more time moving my body toward checking those items off the list.  BUT WE CAN DO IT!  What about you?  How's your list coming???

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