Jumat, 03 September 2010

Friday Fives!

Taking a little break today to catch up with my blogger friends and do our Friday Fives...it lets us share and get to know each other better, and it's just fun!   On a Friday, who doesn't need a little FUN!?!

1. If you had the money to do plastic surgery, would you do it???

2. What is one character trait about yourself that you like?

3. What's your next project in your house?

4. What's in refrigerator to drink? 

5. Big plans for the holiday weekend?

Friday Fives......a tradition here at Southern Inspiration.......hope you'll join in!

And on other end of the week notes.......I am about to go turn on some kickin' music and work for two hours upstairs.  Then I will be done for the day....well, except for that one pile on the kitchen table that I WILL have cleaned off by the end of the day!  Then I can enjoy the weekend, with the extra day off with my hubby.  We will likely take in a movie and maybe eat out...no really big plans.  We discussed going to the in-laws for the weekend, but decided we could get a few things done here instead and do that another weekend. 
How's YOUR Get It Done List Coming along?  Did yours get a teeny bit sidetracked like mine did this week?
What about you?
Do YOU have a few piles you need to get under control?  How do you prevent piles of papers, coupons, advertisment, receipts and such from becoming THIS???

Hope you blogger friends have a FABULOUS WEEKEND.....off to answer the Friday Fives...won't you join me???

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