Senin, 13 Juli 2009

What IS IT with our favorite mags????

Just last year, or was it earlier this year, that several of our most favorite magazines closed their doors, and no longer are in publication????
So today I am even more sad than I was about Cottage Living or a few of the others....(well, maybe, but hey I LOVE magazines!)because I learned that the BH&G publishers are no longer going to publish Creative HOME magazine.....I redid SO MANY ROOMS mentally because of this publication!! I really did enjoy it. And they would take one room of a reader each month and re-do it for them.....did THAT put them out of business??? I hardly think so.....nonetheless, I am sad that it's now going to become ReadyMade or something of the sort. I will miss Creative HOME so much.......
GOOD THING I've got my blogs to read......all the good mags seem to be sliding away.

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