My little giveaway is today......I have drawn the winner, and I have picked out a couple of small items that I hope will bless this lady. She IS the epitomy of generosity and a sweet, kind heart. If you have never been to her blog, she would indeed "welcome" you to visit her. She is talented beyond your imagination, and is so generous and willing to share her talent by showing how she does things, showing us how to do things, and often blogs with nuggets of wisdom that are so inspiring! Today's winner is randomly generated number #24,
Susie from Bienvenue!!!
Here's what I'll be sending her.........this little trio will blend perfectly in Susie's decor, the new "swedishing" she has been doing. These are the Petite Bud Vases, a trio of delight. I hope she will enjoy them. I am also including a candle that will be perfect for fall, in all its spicey deliciousness. And I'll throw in a catalog and a trio of cookbooks that may inspire Susie to try something new!!! Congrats Susie, and thanks for sharing your life with all of us through your blog!!!! I am so pleased to "know" you! Please send me via email your mailing address so I can send along your giveaway, ok?
These are fun, earthly things that inspire us to live daily in a way that may bless our families. But just this morning, I was visiting the Nester, and she wrote of a family that is fighting for the life of their small daughter, Kate. In the spirit of generosity, would you please pray for Kate and her family? The youtube video of the family will give you more specifics, but they are asking people all over the world to pray that God would work in this situation.
We don't know if God will heal little Kate, but we know that HE CAN if He so chooses. Thanks for doing that today. And hug those who mean something to you today because we just never know what will happen in a short moment. We are but a vapor as we pass through this enjoy the moments you are given and extend generosity to someone in your life, would you? It sure makes our journey on this earth a much, more pleasant one, doesn't it?
Thanks so, so much for all your encouragement to keep blogging. Don't we all from time to time wonder why we are driven to blog, to come regularly to this community and share whatever we are led to share???? Well, you all give me inspiration regularly to do so. You all are such good friends that I may never meet, but I am ever so thankful to each of you.
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