Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Friday Fives!

How are your Christmas preparations coming? I have been busy getting my house ready for the family to come home.  My son graduates on the 17th, so everyone will be here for a few days after that....so essentially, I have to be ready for Christmas by next Friday!! AAACCCKKKK!!  Along with all the prep and finishing up Willow House business, too, I haven't had time to be on the computer much!  I haven't read a lot of blogs, nor have I posted to my own blog!  How does everyone else do it ALL???  I decided to come say HI really quickly and come up with some Friday Fives for you all!

So here goes!

1. What is your favorite Christmas carol or song?

2.  Are you finished decorating your house for the holidays?

3.  What is your favorite Christmas treat?  Do you make it or just enjoy it?

4.  What is a favorite Christmas tradition?

5.  Have you completed all your holiday shopping??

Hubby and I plan to shop all day tomorrow and hopefully get that part behind us....I have some busy hours ahead!!  Merry Christmas, y'all!!!

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