Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

terrific Tuesday!!

What's going on in your world today?  Me, I'm getting ready for another ADVENTURE!!  I get to travel to the Willow House convention on Thursday, and stay over and visit a girlfriend or two after it's over.  So I am busy getting my suitcase packed and my duds in order!!!  I'll be learning all about the new Fall 2011 products in store for us, as well as the new line of Sara Blaine jewelry in store as we launch our SECOND division of Willow House--a new jewelry division!!  You can go HERE to see a little sneak peek........

I am over the TOP excited to see it all.  They always, always blow the roof off with creativity in displaying the new products in the product showcase for us! We always come back charged and ready to go/share/party when the convention is over!!

So, I'll be in and out, offline and online from the Renaissance Waverly Hotel in Atlanta!!  So fun, so much to do!  Y'all have a Terrific Tuesday!!!
What's up with YOUR day?

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