Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Mother's Day gift....

While I do indeed love my new iPad2 that my husband gifted me with, I also got a TRUE treasure from my son and daughter in law in the mail for Mother's Day.......a canvas that Heather purchased from Shutterfly, after having a photo shoot with the most gorgeous baby ever!!! Well, I am perhaps a tad bit biased!!  Heather and Russell got a new camera recently and we are all benefitting from it's wonders!!  Then Heather went to Shutterfly and had this canvas made for both the grammies.....and I thought I'd share it with you.  GREAT job Heather, and thanks so, so much.  I love it...how can I not smile every day when I walk past this???

It was indeed a Happy Mother's Day in 2011!!!!

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