Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Friday Fives......they're BACK!!!

I've missed my Friday Fives and hearing from you, my blogging friends!  Please participate and let us get to know one another a little better and have a little fun. It will not involve any  picture taking nor revealing of any Christmas decorations, but could possibly include another recipe that might be just right for the holidays.
I have done minimal decorating this year, and it's going to be just fine.  I look forward to spending it with all my children and my first baby girl grandbaby....I did just get to take a four day trip over to see her....it was wonderful...and now I'll get to see her again!!  How exciting!

So the Friday Fives first ....
1. The most exciting thing that I could unwrap on Christmas morning would be.........

2. Name a fun family tradition that you and your family do or would like to start.

3. Name a favorite Christmas song or hymn.

4. How do you celebrate Christmas?  Is it a formal holiday for your family or a very informal one as for as your meal goes?

5. What sounds do you hear right now as your read this blog and type your answers?

Ok, so a recipe for you.......another Christmas morning breakfast favorite from our household.....

 Old Fashion Butter Rolls

3 c. all purpose flour

1 T. baking powder

1 t. salt

1/3 c. shortening (it's a very old recipe and actually calls for lard, in case you are so inclined....)

1 c. milk

3/4 c. butter

1 1/2 c. sugar

1 t. vanilla (nutmeg can be substituted if you'd rather)

Mix all together with fingertips. Knead until smooth on biscuit board. Roll out 1/4 inch thick on board. Spread with 3/4 c. softened butter, sprinkle 1 1/2 c. sugar on top. Roll up jelly roll fashion. Cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces. Place in a 9 x 13 cake pan; slowly pour enough boiling water over the rolls to cover them. (this is important because it makes the yummy, yummy sauce). Sprinkle 1 t. vanilla over the top. Bake 350 degrees for one hour until browned. Serve with whipping cream. Serve 8-10. We never use the whipping cream because we like them with just the sauce......don't be afraid to lick your fingers.......it's basically a Christmas tradition for us, so we look forward to them all year long.

Merry Christmas Y'all!!!

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