Having just been to the Northeast on my trip with my husband, I saw the "homes" of the Wampanoag Indians as well as the early colonists that came over on the Mayflower, in contrast to the summer homes in Newport, Rhode Island of the wealthy families that "summered" there. What a contrast! Houses made of twigs, bark and logs, versus houses made with marble, stone, granite, intricate wrought iron gates, and such. Opulence Maxiumus. And I decided that it made me very thankful for my own home. What a perfect time to see that, for this time of the year we are reminded to be thankful. I am thankful for even being able to take the trip with my husband. I am thankful for the home that God has provided for us, and thankful that I can do DIY projects to it if I so desire. I am thankful that I don't have dirt floors!! And that I do have electricity, running water and plumbing!
And I am ever so thankful that God gave me my family. I look forward to spending time with them over Thanksgiving. It really doesn't matter so much what we eat, or how the table looks this year. I love beautiful things, but I am reminded that those things are less important than the things in life that truly DO matter.
Looks like I went off vacationing and came back philosophical, doesn't it???? =)
So let's lighten up and consider some fun!!!
A friend shared this very fun idea she saw on a blog and I thought it was definitely worth sharing.
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http://onecharmingparty.com/2010/11/02/the-kids-table-paper-bag-turkey/ |
For additional children's and family fun, I always loved checking out the Family Fun website for things to to for the holidays......look here
And here, at BH&G
and there are countless blogs, like the one mentioned above, with great ideas. I am thankful for such great inspiration!
Oh, and lest you think that I am forgetting something else, I am definitely thankful for this child, my new granddaughter!! =)
Y'all have a blessed day!!
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