Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

So hard to regularly post when I have such a beautiful distraction.

I will get back to normal posts, but I am doing a lot of cuddling baby, so that's all I have thought much about.  Isn't she a doll baby???
I am ready for some of that REAL fall teaser weather we had some weeks back.  I was wanting to make chili....but it seems too hot and humid!  How do you make chili?  Mine is super easy, and involves lots of cans.  I start out with my ground beef, whatever I happen to have.  I don't use 'Made for Chili" large ground beef...just whatever I have.  I brown it with onions, then drain.  I then add a can of tomato paste, a can of water, a can of tomato sauce, a can of ranch beans, a can of roasted tomaotes, diced and a good bit of chili powder, some salt, pepper and some brown sugar.  I know it's not helpful to not have amounts, but that's the way I cook so often.  You develop the right groove for what your family likes, and mostly do it the same way each time...anyway, here's to cooler, chili days!!!! Have a good day, and I'll see you back at the ranch, when I'm not busy cuddling!! :D

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