By it, of course I mean organize........piles of paper. Coupons, receipts, recipes, newspaper ads, photos, magazines, etc. Do you have piles the way I. HAVE. PILES???? For instance, a voucher for an airline that is worth $25, actually two of them, as well as a premium drink on one....I'm saving it for a bumpy ride!! :D
Where do you put things like that so you'll remember to actually use them? And how do you organize coupons? If they go in a drawer, they may not come out again, until after they are expired...that makes them pretty useless! So I've wasted the time I took to clip them! Recipes that you intend to try.......buried in a drawer, they don't get sampled..they just add to the problem, rather than helping! Stacks of magazines with recipes and ideas that are worthy of further investigation!!?? You see a pattern here, no doubt.
Add in my business and I've got more piles of catalogs, receipts, order forms, postcards, business cards, etc. I guess I missed the organizing gene......I can create, but that one is hard to muster, to change I am looking for ideas! Let's compile a list in the comments of things that work for you! I will take any and all ideas to plow down the piles! Seriously, they suck the life energy right out of me! But I can't seem to just throw them in the trash can. I see possibility in each of them!! Or is that just a procrastinator's mantra that is empty and void of meaning!?! Tell me, tell me, how do I make a right brain into a functional, left brain!!??? Ha....I may not be able to change my brain, but maybe, just maybe you have a system that works for you that might just work for me!! DO TELL!!!
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