Selasa, 08 Desember 2009


I visited BooMama early this morning and read her post about Sanctuary, then I read Richella's post telling of a sweet, sweet story about her mamma......then I took some time to think. I was thinking about what we DO to provide Sanctuary for those whose resting place may be our home. Family, friends, even strangers leave our homes regularly with a memory of what they felt like in our homes, what they smelled in our homes, what they ate in our homes, what they were encouraged about in our homes, and what they enjoyed in our homes, or did.not.enjoy. Did they feel loved, did they feel enveloped like a cocoon, did they feel nourished and satisfied, did they feel joy?

I pondered what kind of environment my own family feels in our home. My husband NEEDS order and non-clutter. Do I work to keep things in line and in some sort of array? It's very hard for me to do so, but I am learning how it adds peace and calm.

Does my home smell clean and fresh and maybe even fragrant? Windex and Pinesol smell clean to me, but I know my husband also appreciates the smell of good food to welcome him home. Others appreciate that as well. My family won't succumb, even though I've campaigned!, to a faux tree because they love the smell of a fresh one. Those Balsam candles at Bath and Body works smell just like a live tree is my contention....still working on that!

What is the conversation of in my home? Do those who find refuge here feel dragged down by the cares of the world or filled with hope because we talk of the hope that our Jesus offers, we talk of the blessings the Lord has given in we whine of what we want or rejoice over what we've been given????????????

Are you a hugger? It takes some perception really to know if others are comfortable with receiving hugs. I love to give them freely, but sometimes it's a little threatening. So in that case, a touch on the arm or a side hug is enough of a touch......but DO reach out to touch someone. We sometimes just need to sprinkle our conversation with grace and that may be the touch someone needs. Take time to perceive.

Take time to unwrap the gift of haven, of sancturary, of restfulness and peace, of calm and silent night. It's a gift you give to those who enter your home. No tinsel really needed, no shiny paper or bows. JUST DO IT.....just give it, just live it.
I'm linking to Emily's chatting at the sky Tuesdays Unwrapped today.....go enjoy some inspiration!

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