Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

A random idea from the archives........

I wanted to show you an amazing discovery I made. See, I have a tablecloth problem. I like 'em. I like to use 'em. But where do I put 'em???? With limited space for storage, I needed to find a way to keep them stored, without any "cramming" going on. Because that's the way they get that wadded look-- you've seen it; I don't like 'em to be all wadded and wrinkled, either. So how do you fit ten to twelve tablecloths in an eight inch space? (see, I told you I have a wee problem....) with absolutely NO wadding or cramming going on? I give you my new tablecloth storage idea. It may be a lightbulb moment for only me. It could be that possibly you ten readers have been employing this genius idea for years.....if so, please don't tell me. I like to think I had a bright idea! :)

You take a basic pants hanger... this is actually the second set I bought. The first one came from WalMart and actually had the little swing away bar, for easy removal of the item from the bar. These are those flocked kind that help things stay on and not slip off. You choose. You place your tablecloths on each little bar and they hang rather than being crammed or wadded. The closet is my coat closet not far from the dining room, and we really don't need a closet for coats anyway, so it houses many things, including my tablecloths. It works! To the left you'll see a stray tote bag, that could probably be donated. To the right, a stray bag of faux flowers that will probably also be donated. A good way, though, to keep extra things is to put them in a bag, and hook over a hanger in a closet.....keeps them off the floor, and I like that!

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