Rabu, 29 April 2009

I tried uploading some new pics of my gardening efforts with my daughter's camera and my new laptop......um, I need technical support. Not only did ALL THE RAIN threaten to wash away my newly laid mulch and threaten to drown my newly placed baby begonias, but now my techno skillz are showing themselves to be insufficient!!! imagine that......

I've been catching up with all my blogger friends and it seems everyone has projects going on, many of them having to do with weeds and mulch! Hello, spring! So I'll be doing a post tomorrow, perhaps, about some basic gardening things......like how to choose which flowers to go where, how many, etc. I'm timely if nothing else makes me relevant! LOL.

Today I am spending time with a friend who is battling cancer. She is taking some radiation treatments downtown, so I will drive her down there, hoping all the WATER has cleared by now, and hoping that the gray skies don't dump more before we return. There are so many people in the Houston area with water in their homes, roads totally flooded out, etc. After her treatment, she and I plan a little stop at my fav....Hobby Lobby. She asked me to help her decorate the tops of her kitchen cabinets.......so that will be fun.

I'll be back with the results! Ya'll have a wonderful Wednesday!


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